Sunday, March 30, 2014

Top 3 resources – Goodreads

1. OCLC. Goodreads and OCLC work together to provide greater visibility for public libraries online. Nov 09, 2012.
I thought it was interesting that World Cat (OCLC ) of all folks would implement a tool for libraries to use Goodreads. This announcement from OCLC claims that “OCLC has expanded its strategic partnership with Goodreads…  to help provide greater visibility for all libraries.” Several components to expand partnership are listed in this announcement, which is able to be good background of Goodreads for public libraries.

2. Amanda Crowley. Goodreads for Public Libraries.
This is a website based on a presentation on Goodreads for Public Libraries made by Amanda Crowley. The website contains several topic, including What’s is it, Features, How can I use it, and Readers advisory, which is quite inspiring for the deep analysis on Goodreads as a promotional tools for public libraries.

3. Trott, BarryNaik, Yesha. 2012. "Finding Good Reads on Goodreads." Reference & User Services Quarterly 51, no. 4: 319-323.

The article discusses Goodreads with particular focus given to the site's potential uses for reader's advisory librarians and its implications for the future of reader's advisory services. The article gives suggestions of ways for librarians to incorporate Goodreads into their services including teaching patrons to use the site, creating a profile for the library on the site, and creating "read-alike" lists.

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