1. Aldosemani, Tahani Ibrahim and Craig E. Shepherd, “Second Life to Support Multicultural Literacy: Pre- and In-service Teachers’ Perceptions and Expectations.” TechTrends 58:2 (2014), 46-58.
Ibrahim Aldosemani and Craig E. Shepherd asks 50 preservice teachers – students
not yet teaching in the classroom – to evaluate Second Life (SL) as an
effective mutlticultural tool in the classroom. What they find is that while SL
would be a good multicultural tool, things like accuracy, adult content, and
language barriers could be a real issue.
2. Stimpson, Jane D., “Public Libraries in Second Life: Expanding Service to the Virtual Environment,” Library Technology Reports 45:2 (2009), 13-20.
2. Stimpson, Jane D., “Public Libraries in Second Life: Expanding Service to the Virtual Environment,” Library Technology Reports 45:2 (2009), 13-20.
3. Thomsett-Scott, Beth C., “Virtual Reference Services: Considerations and Technologies,” in Implementing Virtual Reference Services: a LITA Guide, Beth C. Thomsett-Scott, ed. Chicago: ALA Techsource, 2013.
Here's the book I read that had a second on librarians using Second Life! It's called This Book Is Overdue! by Marilyn Johnson