Sunday, March 30, 2014

Public libraries & Twitter: Top 3 sources

1.) Hastings, Robin. 2010. Microblogging and Lifestreaming in Libraries. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
This book, published by LITA, focuses on microblogging in libraries, including implementation, marketing, and best practices for use. It is a quick and easy, practical read for discovering the basics of microblogging and using services like Twitter.

2.) Gunton, Lyndelle, and Kate Davis. 2012. "Beyond broadcasting Customer service, community and information experience in the Twittersphere." Reference Services Review 40, no. 2: 224-227.
This article takes a different stance from most, proposing more uses for Twitter than simply promotion and marketing. It provides a useful counter-position to the majority of articles tackling the uses of Twitter in the library, which tend to focus solely on marketing and promotion opportunities for the library and its materials.

3.) Fichter, Darlene, and Cheryl Avery. 2012. "Tools of Influence: Strategic Use of Social Media." Online 36, no. 4: 58-60.This article takes a look at what branding and clout mean for public libraries, and how social media like Twitter can be used to help support public libraries when facing budget cuts and other adversities.

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