Sunday, April 20, 2014

Presentation Outline: Instagram

What is Instagram?
            Brief discussion
·      A very brief history of Instagram
·      Basic how-to’s for a new user
            Why use Instagram?
·      Newer than Facebook, with more appeal to younger users
·      Visually appealing and exciting
·      Innovative way to advertise collection and services
·      Interesting addition to an already established social media presence
            Who uses Instagram?
·      Demographics of average users
·      Why some users are moving from Facebook to Instagram and Twitter
·      Pairing Instagram with other social media

Instagram in Academic Libraries and Other Organizations
            Some examples of who’s doing it right
·      Mutter Museum: #GuessTheDeath
·      Public Art Fund: Staff involvement
·      US Department of the Interior: Frequent posts
·      NASA: Great photos, educational captions

Guidelines for a Successful Instagram Presence
·      Create frequent, regular posts of visually engaging materials, both from within the library and throughout the campus
·      Document events, daily activities, and partnerships with other organizations
·      Monitor connected posts from the community and respond reliably and as necessary
·      Engage with students and campus population through contests, events, and even trivia – and don’t forget your hashtags!
·      Post behind the scenes sneak-peeks and pictures of your staff at work to help to put a face on the library and encourage students to get involved
·      Promote the collection, resources, and even study or communal spaces of the library through pictures and videos; it’s much more engaging than a marketed text blurb on the library home page!

·      Get caught up in over-aggressive, obvious marketing
·      Think of it as posting in a vacuum; post about other events and organizations on campus to keep things interesting and foster a feeling of unity
·      Rely on Instagram as your only social media outlet
·      Forget to explain your pictures as needed
·      Neglect the almighty hashtag
·      Ignore student posts, comments, and general involvement

Conclusion and Q&A

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