For my final project I played around with Second Life (SL)
Virtual World. Signing up was relatively easy; upon entering I was asked to
chose an avatar, a simulated, 3-D representation of yourself that can take many
forms, from human to robot to animal and even vampire. Next, I created a user
name and password before being prompted to download the SL software to your
computer. A few minutes later SL was loaded and up and running. Besides my
avatar there were several others that first appeared on the home island, and
like a toddler, the first thing I learned was how to walk; the next was how to
fly. The object of the first challenge was to get off the island via the portal
at the end of the path. Suffice it to say navigating an avatar over paths,
around buildings, and through people was clunky and difficult. The arrow keys
control movement and there was a noticeable lag time between pressing the keys
and my avatar moving, testament, I’m sure, to the four-year-old Intel processor
I was using.
Last week I stated that the SL platform was no longer in use
in today’s libraries, but utilizing the search feature I found several academic
libraries on SL, including
Stanford University, Texas State University, and the
San Jose State SLIS program. Another interesting place a came across was the
Rockcliffe University Library and Reference Center, and after some research I
was able to ascertain that
Rockcliffe University, while not an accredited
university, was an online organization “dedicated to the advancement of
science, education, and research in 3D virtual environments.” What all these
“worlds” had in common was their lack of people; the two worlds I started in
were littered with avatars, but the libraries were deserted, no patrons and no
librarians. What they did have were information stations or kiosks, some
interactive, some not, containing different information about the library, the
institution, or the collection. Ironically, among the books on display at
Rockcliffe University Library and Reference Center was “The Googlization of
Everything (and Why We Should Worry)” by Siva Vaidhaynathan.
A "Book Room" at Rockcliffe University Library and Reference Center |
Interactive Information Stations at Stanford University Libraries |
Of the issues that arose, I would say that ease of use and
computer shelf life were the two important ones that need to be taken into
consideration especially when talking about the types of services librarians
offer to their patrons. A platform like SL requires a high-speed connectivity
that can sustain HD graphics, long-term or multiple users, as well as
communicability. Most public libraries today have access to high-speed
broadband but we know that there are still many without that capability. Along
with this is usability. I am a novice at SL but even after a couple of hours of
navigating several different worlds, I could not properly negotiate my avatar.
Granted, most librarian avatars just stand behind a desk and answer questions,
but on the off chance you are asked to direct a patron to another section of
the “library”, the ability to seamlessly navigate and still provide quality
reference service is key. As the librarian I interviewed put it, SL would
require a high level of multitasking, to stay on point in both the virtual and
real world. And while the academic
community has still found use for SL, it seems the public library has abandoned
the venture for now, yet only time will tell. For my part, I found the library
spaces on SL very useful, relaxing, and creative, and with the right marketing,
a great way to reach a new segment of library goers.
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